Home Blessings:
A tradition of the Armenian Church

One of the holy traditions of the Armenian Church is the Home Blessing Service, which according to St. Gregory of Datev was established by Our Savior Jesus Christ, when after His Resurrection He entered the upper room and blessed the disciples.

“When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” (John. 20:19)

The primary service of the Armenian Church, during which the sacrament of communion is administered, is called Divine Liturgy, in Armenian – “Badarak”.
The service of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church is based upon the missals of St. Basil of Caesarea and St. Gregory the Theologian. In the course of time the Divine Liturgy, underwent changes and additions in its celebration in the Armenian language; with special rites and original Armenian chants, it assumed a national character. It is divided into four parts, commonly referred to as Preparation, Synaxis (teaching), Eucharist and Last Blessing.

The primary service of the Armenian Church, during which the sacrament of communion is administered, is called Divine Liturgy, in Armenian – “Badarak”.
The service of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church is based upon the missals of St. Basil of Caesarea and St. Gregory the Theologian. In the course of time the Divine Liturgy, underwent changes and additions in its celebration in the Armenian language; with special rites and original Armenian chants, it assumed a national character. It is divided into four parts, commonly referred to as Preparation, Synaxis (teaching), Eucharist and Last Blessing.

The primary service of the Armenian Church, during which the sacrament of communion is administered, is called Divine Liturgy, in Armenian – “Badarak”.
The service of the Divine Liturgy of the Armenian Church is based upon the missals of St. Basil of Caesarea and St. Gregory the Theologian. In the course of time the Divine Liturgy, underwent changes and additions in its celebration in the Armenian language; with special rites and original Armenian chants, it assumed a national character. It is divided into four parts, commonly referred to as Preparation, Synaxis (teaching), Eucharist and Last Blessing.

During the Divine Liturgy unleavened bread and unmixed wine are used. The communion is given to the faithful in the form of the consecrated bread steeped in the wine. For each Liturgy only one consecrated bread is used. The priest can celebrate only one Liturgy a day. Only one Liturgy can be celebrated each day on the same altar

Contact Us

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday from 9:30am to 4:00pm.

Church Address:
2300 Yamato Rd., Boca Raton, FL 33431

Tel: (561) 994-2335
Fax: (561) 994-9375


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